Guitarist Frank Koonce is acclaimed as a performer, teacher, and writer. His creative work includes an authoritative guitar edition of Bach's solo lute works and the world-premiere recording in English of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco's "Platero and I" for narrator and guitar. Mr. Koonce directed the guitar program at Arizona State University from 1978-2018.
For complete bio, click here.
 Most of the festival participants had heard Segovia's recordings of ten solo guitar excerpts from Castelnuovo-Tedesco's Platero y yo, Op. 190, but few had heard the work as it was intended - with a narrator reading the Nobel prize-winning poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez. Guitarist Frank Koonce and narrator Don Doyle, a professional actor and storyteller, presented a charming and moving performance in English of seventeen pieces (out of a total of 28) drawn from one of Castelnuovo-Tedesco's finest works - surely one of the highlights of the festival. 
-- Richard Long, Soundboard Magazine
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